We’d had an explosive start to our Kefalonia trip. On the first day alone we visited one of the island’s most gorgeous beaches and dined at one of the finest restaurants that my tastebuds have had the pleasure of acquainting to. Today was our second day on the Ionian island and already we had sampled some fine wines at Sclavos biodynamic Winery.
After such a fun couple of days, our adventurous streak was showing no sign of slowing down too soon. After purchasing 4 bottles of wine at Sclavos Winery, we journeyed further south to the large town of Lixouri, the main town on the western peninsular (the lovely dangly bit). Tootling around the shops and enjoying some sweet treats in a local bakery made for a lovely visit. It’s just a shame that I spent far too long in the heat and ended up with heatstroke.
I hoped a short break for lunch back at our gorgeous cottage would solve the problem but my dizziness continued. We only had 2 days left on the Greek island after this and I was not prepared to let a bout of dizziness spoil a single moment of my trip! I therefore ignored my stomach cramps and sick feeling in my gut and leapt into our Subaru 4×4 for yet another adventure.

Whilst aimlessly scrolling through Instagram, I had stumbled across an image of a woman perched atop a cliff looking down at Myrtos beach. I knew at once that I wanted to visit that exact spot and obtain a similar image. This wasn’t something I’d done before. I never normally look at Instagram and think “omg I must go here” but this was different. Being only a short drive away, I thought it was worth having a look to see the spot for myself.
Our drive began. We tackled the winding roads that caressed the steep mountainsides. I absorbed every bend, trying not to think about the sick feeling that lingered on in my stomach.
Based on the angle of the photo, I guessed that to reach this viewing spot we would have to drive quite far past the turn to Myrtos beach.
I was apprehensive. Along route, we past another viewing spot which was in the south side of the beach. Two huge coaches were pulled up here with hordes of tourists swarming over the rocks with their smartphones, trying to all take the same photo of the beach with the golden hour sunset cascading onto it.
I screwed my nose up in disgust. There was no way that I was going to do anything like that. If there were any coaches at the spot I wanted to go to, I would drive on without stopping. Gosh I’m a snob, aren’t I?
I needn’t have worried, however. As we pulled-up at the northern viewing spot, I was delighted to see that there was only one car here. We pretty much had the view all to ourselves.

I couldn’t have hoped for better timing. This viewing spot couldn’t have been further from the one we had already passed. The views here were far superior, there was more room to park our car and there were no people! The people in the other vehicle were wandering around a different spot, meaning that this viewing zone was entirely to ourselves. To make matters even better, the golden hour sun was streaming onto us, giving us the most beautiful lighting.
I gawped in amazement for a moment, taking in the vast view below me. The sand shone golden with azure waves gently hugging its shores. Huge cliffs sheltered the beach from all sides, casting shadows in the ocean.
Over in the distance was the western peninsular of the dangly bit, its jagged coastline a ghostly silhouette on the horizon.
Last but not least, I smiled at the tall wind-turbines standing atop the mountainous terrain of Kefalonia. What a magical sight. I love wind-turbines. Something about them really gets to me. Perhaps it’s the fact that they work hard to provide renewable energy. I also love the look of them too.

Now, to get the shot that I had visualised in my mind, we’d have to overstep the safety barriers otherwise the barrier would obscure the shot. I totally agree with safety barriers and don’t condone ignoring them. In this instance, I weighed up all scenarios.
I glanced at the spot I planned to stand. It was literally a few feet away from the barrier and was an area of small pebbles formed by erosion. I knew there would not be any environmental implications by sitting in this spot, especially considering it wasn’t a natural area. A street-lamp stood within the pebbles and further down was a shallow wall.
I also planned on staying very close to the barrier, therefore minimising the safety risk. It seemed stupid to risk my life by sitting right by the edge of a huge cliff for a photo. No, I was going to stay way back from the edge.
I stepped over and quickly got into position.

The photos were better than I could have ever imagined and I thoroughly enjoyed the entire process. Lewis is the perfect ‘Instagram husband’, haha.
Before we left our beautiful viewing-spot, I was keen to take Droney for a spin.

By the time we were ready to move on, the viewing spot had grown in popularity. There were now several cars parked here and I noticed another couple flying their drone. Maybe I inspired them? I like to think so!
Getting out had actually taken the edge off my heat-stroke and I was feeling raring to go again. Lewis was also keen to continue our explorations.
Whilst flying Droney, I noticed some beautiful scenery not much further down the coastal road. There was a section of land jutting out to see. It was practically an island except it was connected to the mainland by a narrow thread of land. By the looks of things, a small village made this beautiful islet its home and I was intrigued to learn more.

The picturesque village was known as Assos. The road continued to wind round the mountains until we came to a junction which sharply came from the main-road. Clearly signposted was Assos village.
The road down to Assos was incredibly steep and involved navigating around numerous hairpin bends. I found myself in awe of our surroundings as we descended. The island drew me in. Atop the island was a ruined castle and I felt shivers of wonder crawl down my spine. I couldn’t wait to explore this beautiful coastal village!
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